They call. "The life you dream of belongs to others, you are special in that you are free from such trivial things. You are host to something greater, for we have planted a seed within your heart. Nothing else will make it grow."
They whisper. "You've trained everyday for this, we have given you the ability to see opportunity in hardship, beauty in pain, and perseverance in adversity. We have given you adversaries to overcome, doubts to confirm, and hells to endure. However, the true test is yet to come."
"We hope you will see it through, but you have much to learn... So much more, you have wasted so much time. We aren't sure you are ready, but the time has come. The time has come for you to be what you were born to be."
They say, "One last task, and time is running out, hurry.... hurry, there is no time to waste, for one day you will return to dust, and your world will be left undone."
something is calling from far, far away..